But the route I picked lead me off the main road and into an even more impressive narrow canyon with the village of Anergui on the other end.

There was everything that the adventurous motorcyclist desires, a cliff on one side and deep drop with a raging river on the other side of a narrow road.

It was already quite late, the sun was setting and I still far away from the end of the canyon. The thought of pushing on and riding along a road on the edge of a cliff in the darkness of the night was not exactly inviting and so I decided to sleep as soon as I found a suitable spot for my tent. But finding a spot for a tent in a narrow canyon, where all available flat space is used up by a road, is no easy task. By the time I found a spot, it was already properly dark and I was mighty thankful for my bright xenon headlight.

I started the next day by celebrating the 66666 km birthday of my XT 660. And what a perfect location for such an occasion this is (albeit a bit cold and snowy …).

Soon after, I found these guys, huddled around a campfire below a cliff, where they had spent the night.

Their car got stuck on this snowy incline late in the previous night. They offered me a cup of tea and a spot at their fire, which I gladly accepted. One of them spoke french and we had a short conversation before I continued. Thankfully they gave me a helping hand by pushing the Tenere uphill and around the car.

Yours truly, recently emerged from the canyon and back on a paved road, showing off my acquisition from the bazaars of Marrakesh.