Morocco: A Tale of Sand, Snow and 1001 Night Time Photos
An Autumn Ride in Eastern Europe
Zigzagging onwards, the current zig leads me along the arc of the Carpathian Mountains in a northeastern direction towards the ukrainian border and the crossing of Ulma.
Delta Trouble
Nothing much to tell about the sea passage from Batumi to Odessa, lots of time on my hand and not much to do except eating, sleeping and to catch up on diary writing. Time aboard was two and a half days, but the passage itself took only one and a half, the rest of the time consisted of waiting; for 20 hours the ferry lay off the port because the landing was occupied and 5 hours for customs.
Turning Point
After Tushetia, the Georgian Military Highway and the villages of Shatili and Mutso, I still wasn’t done with the Great Caucasus.
Beyond the Seven Mountains
Beyond the Seven Mountains, with the seven dwarves there dwells a beauty or so the tale goes. But no beauty like you might think now, deep in the Caucasian mountains, surrounded by 4000 m peaks lies the hidden valley of Tusheti with a landscape worthy of a fairy tale.